Contrast Designs is a multidisciplinary design office founded in 2006 by three architects/designers, Kareem Hammouda (1981), Mazin Abdulkarim (1983), and Tamer Nader (1982), after completing their studies between Egypt, Germany, and Switzerland. The office's work has been published and exhibited internationally and most recently at the International Architectural Biennale of Rotterdam 2009, the Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2009, Milan, and at the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2008.
The office's work ranges between architecture and design, experimental research, cultural analysis, and the production of ideas. This continuous strive for a design approach founded on intense research and analysis enables a distinct , creative process resulting in innovative ideas and solutions. Their work is strongly based on the ability to have fresh and challenging visions, re-positioning and re-interpreting theoretical, social and cultural issues into new contexts and situations. This questioning and continuous dialogue keeps their work grounded to their surrounding environment yet gives it its own identity and sensibilities.